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If listening is more your thing, you’ll find recent messages on our podcast ‘The Lakes Church Cairns’.
The Greatest Showman – Faith at the Movies (Laura Snook)
Note: due to trouble with YouTube the audio from the video clips isn’t included in this podcast, however you’ll still be able to follow along with the message. Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy movies as demonstrations of God’s gifts, creativity and storytelling. Movies also have the power to shape our thoughts and our faith,…
Home Alone – Faith at the Movies (Brian Paris)
NOTE: we have had some trouble with YouTube not recognising that we have the appropriate licenses, authorisations and permissions to use the movie clips in this series. The video from this service is available again on YouTube, however you can watch the message with all of the clips here. Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy…
Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Faith at the Movies (Geoff Snook)
NOTE: most of the video clips we showed in this message have been removed for copyright reasons. You can watch them on YouTube here: Clip 1 (movie trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZVEIgPeDCE Clip 2 (The Cheese Touch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q39-jYaFWwg Clip 3 (Rowley confronts Greg): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuE1dGgOfwg Clip 4 (ending): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLZTz5F_jqM Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy movies as demonstrations of…
Inside Out 2 – Faith at the Movies (Laura Snook)
Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy movies as demonstrations of God’s gifts, creativity and storytelling. Movies also have the power to shape our thoughts and our faith, which is why we should be intentional about what we watch and how we let it affect us. If we’re on the lookout, we can find godly and…
God’s mission, God’s way (Geoff Snook) – Christmas Day 2024
The birth of Jesus wasn’t just about a baby—it was God’s plan to save the world. Sometimes we don’t understand God’s methods, but we can trust his mission. On Christmas Day, we celebrate how God’s story was and still is being written in ways we couldn’t have imagined. We can trust in God, through his Son, and commit our ordinary lives to his extraordinary story. Connect with us anytime at https://www.thelakes.church
God’s extraordinary story in our ordinary lives (Kate Cathcart)
Mary carried the Savior of the world in her womb, but she still had to live through the ordinary, everyday challenges. This continued even after Jesus was born. We don’t know much about Mary’s life, but there would have been a lot of uncertainty, pain and plenty of boring, repetitive and hard days. How do we hold on to the extraordinary promises of God when life feels ordinary and mundane? How do we carry forward the mission of Jesus in…
The cost of saying yes (Brian Paris)
Saying yes to God often comes with a cost. Mary faced potential shame, danger, and loss. This wasn’t simple for Joseph either. What does it mean for us to accept God’s calling today even when it’s costly? The video clip playing at the beginning of the message is from ‘The Nativity Story’, 2006. Used with permission. CVLI #CV4328. Connect with us anytime at https://www.thelakes.church
Supporting God’s mission together (Laura Snook)
Mary didn’t carry out her mission alone—Elizabeth encouraged her, and Joseph stood by her. It’s often our default to think of ourselves as the main character, but God often calls us to support others in their calling. How can we humble ourselves before God and humbly come alongside those around us in their God-given purposes? Connect with us anytime at https://www.thelakes.church
Chosen for a purpose (Geoff Snook)
Mary was chosen by God for an incredible part of his story. While we may not carry the Saviour, we too are chosen to play a role in God’s purpose and plans. How is God calling you, and us, to be part of his extraordinary story? In this message we looked back across 2024 at the way God has been at work in our church and our lives. In this message Geoff talked about our focuses in 2024. You can…
Community on mission (Jireh Scheurwater)
True Christian community is not only inward-focused but also outward-reaching. This week, we’ll look at how Jesus calls us to extend the grace and unity we experience in the church to the wider world. We are called to invite others to join us in a growing relationship with Jesus. While we invite others to church services and groups, this also means embodying Christ’s love in our neighbourhoods, workplaces, and social circles. We’ll explore practical ways to live on mission, using…