Guest Speakers
Growing in Faith and Trust (Luke & Bev Vos)
In this service we had an interview with Luke & Bev Vos who serve with Pioneers in Uganda, and we had a message from Luke about growing in faith & trust. The three questions Luke left us with at the end of his message are: 1. Does hardship/stress/suffering/loss draw you closer to God or cause you to pull away? 2. What (or who) is your foundation in life? 3. How is God growing you in Christ-like character? Connect with us…
Don’t Look Down (Simon Ward from Compassion)
Simon Ward from Compassion was our guest speaker this week. He shared an update from Compassion, and gave a message called ‘Don’t Look Down’ from Luke 24. Connect with us anytime at
Psalm 23 (Phil Bignill)
Phil & Julie Bignill were part of our church leadership for over 20 years! From my recollection it was 1995 when they moved to Cairns to pastor our church. And then in 2015 Phil moved into a regional role with Churches of Christ. Julie worked in the office for many years as well, and served the church in so many ways. Connect with us anytime at
To whom much is given, much will be required (Margaret Pashley)
Margaret Pashley is one of our Mission Partners and she has served God in the Philippines for over 30 years. Margaret and her team rescue children from the streets and other perilous situations to give them a loving home and education while introducing them to Jesus. Connect with us anytime at
Who I Am (Ben Pearson)
Ben Pearson was our guest speaker today, with a message on our identity from Ephesians 1 & 2. Ben is the Manager of the Church & Community Engagement Team of Churches of Christ in Queensland and lives in Townsville. Connect with us anytime at
Backpacks & Boulders (Paul Hicks)
Paul Hicks is the pastor at Mackay Church of Christ. He is married to Leanne, they have two adult children and they love fishing and boating. Paul brought a message to us from Galatians about supporting each other while keeping appropriate boundaries. Connect with us anytime at
Everyone in the image of God (Phil Sproul)
Phil Sproul shared a message about how everyone is made in the image of God. While we are often confused about the value of people who are different than us, we understand that everyone is loved by God and in need of his salvation. In heaven we will find people from every tribe, nation and language. These truths help us realise how we should live and how we should treat people each day. Connect with us anytime at
Scott Darlow at The Lakes Church
Scott Darlow was our guest on Sunday 8th October. Scott is a passionate Indigenous activist, regularly speaking across Australia about his indigenous culture, Australian history, racial tolerance, harmony and important social matters. He is also a versatile singer-songwriter, guitarist, and didgeridoo player who has sold more than 50,000 albums worldwide and has extensively toured Australia, Asia and the USA. Connect with us anytime at All music used by permission (CCLI #67413 and #491511).
Layers (with Simon Ward from Compassion)
Simon Ward was our guest speaker today, bringing an update from Compassion and a message titled ‘Layers’. As followers of Jesus, let’s put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. If you would like to sponsor a child with Compassion in our partner projects in the Philippines, you can follow this link: Connect with us anytime at
My Jesus Story (with Donna Savill)
Three times in John’s gospel we read about people being invited to ‘Come and see’ Jesus. “Come and see,” Jesus said. (1:39)“Come and see for yourself,” Philip replied. (1:46)“Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?” (4:29) We are invited to come to Jesus and experience him for ourselves. The best posture for us with Jesus is to:* Come surrendered* Come seeking* Come with a soft heart Connect with us…
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