Child Dedication

Child Dedication

Child Dedication 

What is child dedication?

Child dedication is a simple ceremony in which we thank God for the gift of a child’s life, the parents commit to raising their child to follow Jesus, and family and friends commit to helping and supporting the parents.

Child dedication is not an essential part of our Christian faith, but it is something many families choose to do.

In Mark 10:4-6, Jesus affirms the value of children and the simple faith that young children have. We take this as our inspiration to dedicate children, with the parents declaring that faith in Jesus is the most important thing for their child’s life.

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.

When should I have my child dedicated?

Some parents have their newborns dedicated, while others decide to do it when their child is a toddler or even in Primary School. The age of the child isn’t as important as the commitment the parents are making in a dedication.

You should have your child dedicated when you are ready to commit yourself to raising your child in faith. In addition to thanking God for your child, a dedication is about the parents’ declaration that relationship and connection with God is the most important thing for their child’s life. The family and friends gathered together also commit themselves to helping and supporting the parents in raising the child.

What about infant baptism or christening?

Jesus told his disciples to baptise anyone who decided to follow him (Matthew 28:19). Children, teenagers and adults are all able to make this decision for themselves, and we baptise them when they are ready. Until a young child is ready to make this decision for themselves, a child dedication is a wonderful way to acknowledge God as a family.

How do I get my child dedicated?

Simply tell us you’re interested! We’ll help you plan a date for the dedication. It can take place during a church service or at some other time and place where your family and friends are gathered. Please contact us if you’re interested.

We will talk with you before the dedication and ask you:

  • Are you prepared to commit to raising your child to follow Jesus?
  • Is there any significance about your child’s name or are there any Bible verses that are significant to your family, that you’d like us to talk about during the dedication?

The actual dedication is a short, simple ceremony where we will talk about the meaning of dedication and will pray for your child and your family.

We would love to dedicate your child. When you are ready for this, or if you’d like to ask us a question, please contact us:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Do you have a specific question about child dedication or anything else you'd like to ask or share with us?