We have church services at 9.30am each Sunday at 102-104 MacNamara Street, Edge Hill.
Whether you’re exploring church for the very first time or simply new to our church, we would love to have you join us!
We’re convinced that the best way to live is with the peace and joy that comes from following Jesus. And now, more than ever, we each need a safe and welcoming community that we can call home. Wherever you are at in life, we’d love to journey with you at the pace that’s right for you.
We would love to have you join us in person on a Sunday! We have church services every Sunday at 9.30am. We meet in our building at 102-104 MacNamara St, Edge Hill.
If you’re unable to join us in person you can start by watching online. However the best experience of The Lakes Church is in person, and we’d love to meet you. Keep reading for more information about our services.
Where to go when you arrive
Our friendly team will meet you at the entrance at the front of the building. There will be someone there to greet you and answer any questions you have.

If you have kids
We value children and want to encourage them to grow in life and faith.
During the second half of the 9.30am service, Lakes Kids have a special program for kids aged 2 years old – grade 6 in the hall out the back. You can see the team to register and sign your kids in before the service so they’re ready to go when we announce it’s time for Lakes Kids. If they’re already signed in they can head straight to the hall or at that time or you can go with them to help them settle.
To save time when you arrive on a Sunday morning, you can fill out a family registration form in advance here.
At Easter and Christmas we have activities for your kids to do while they stay with their family in the auditorium for these special services.
If you have a baby or toddler we have parent rooms in our auditorium so your little ones can play if they are restless. We don’t mind noise and movement during our services, but the rooms are available for your comfort as a parent.
What to wear to a service
We are very relaxed here in the tropics and you will most likely see people on stage wearing shorts and thongs. So just wear whatever you feel most comfortable in!
What to bring to a service
You don’t need to bring anything. We have complimentary refreshments after the service, and complimentary bibles if you are interested. You don’t need to have a bible during the service and you don’t need to know anything about the bible to be able to follow along.
What happens during a service
– We sing together about who God is and what he is like.
– We take communion as a way to remember Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Communion is open to anyone who wants to remember and thank Jesus Christ for what he has done. You don’t have to have done anything special to join in.
– One of our pastors or leaders will give a short message to teach and encourage you from the Bible on an aspect of life or faith. Even if you are not a Christian, we are confident you will still be encouraged and get value for your life from the message.
– There are free refreshments after the service. If you have kids they will love exploring the nature playground while you chat!
We have a carpark on MacNamara Street and there is plenty of street parking available along both MacNamara Street and Greenslopes Street.
Public Transport
Take a Taxi or Uber to the corner of MacNamara and Greenslopes Streets, Edge Hill. If you take the bus, you can use Translink’s Journey Planner.
Still exploring?
If you are not ready to come to church yet or if you are just curious, you can ask us questions here. You can also watch a service online. You might be interested in our book and series based on common questions people have about religion, church and faith. Check it out here.
Do you have questions we haven’t answered?
The Lakes Church is a great place to explore Christianity, ask questions and make new friends in Cairns. Please get in touch, we’d love to chat.