Sermons by Geoff Snook
Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Faith at the Movies (Geoff Snook)
NOTE: most of the video clips we showed in this message have been removed for copyright reasons. You can watch them on YouTube here: Clip 1 (movie trailer): Clip 2 (The Cheese Touch): Clip 3 (Rowley confronts Greg): Clip 4 (ending): Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy movies as demonstrations of…
God’s mission, God’s way (Geoff Snook) – Christmas Day 2024
The birth of Jesus wasn’t just about a baby—it was God’s plan to save the world. Sometimes we don’t understand God’s methods, but we can trust his mission. On Christmas Day, we celebrate how God’s story was and still is being written in ways we couldn’t have imagined. We can trust in God, through his Son, and commit our ordinary lives to his extraordinary story. Connect with us anytime at
Chosen for a purpose (Geoff Snook)
Mary was chosen by God for an incredible part of his story. While we may not carry the Saviour, we too are chosen to play a role in God’s purpose and plans. How is God calling you, and us, to be part of his extraordinary story? In this message we looked back across 2024 at the way God has been at work in our church and our lives. In this message Geoff talked about our focuses in 2024. You can…
Welcoming as Christ welcomed (Geoff Snook)
Jesus modelled radical hospitality—welcoming sinners, strangers, and the marginalised. Let’s explore the heart of biblical hospitality: welcoming others as Christ has welcomed us. Through his example, we learn how opening our homes and hearts to others reflects the love of God. Hospitality isn’t just about entertaining friends; it’s about embracing strangers and showing them love, too. We’ll point out some barriers to hospitality in our own lives and talk about how we can practice it with intentionality. Discussion guide:…
Applying the Bible for everyday life in community (Geoff Snook)
Reading the Bible is just the beginning; living out its truths is the goal. This week, we’ll focus on practical ways to integrate the Bible into our daily lives and our community through meditation, journaling, and application. Reading and discussing the Bible together deepens our relationships and strengthens our faith. As we approach the Bible with intention and creativity, we’ll discover how it can transform not only our individual lives but also the life of our community. Discussion guide Read…
The Bible’s transformative purpose (Geoff Snook)
The Bible isn’t just a collection of ancient texts; it’s a living, breathing story that has the power to transform our lives. We’ll explore how the Bible reveals God’s redemptive story and how we can live in, and from, this truth. We’ll reflect on the purpose of the Bible and how it can shape our lives. We’ll commit to engaging with the Bible in a more meaningful way. Discussion guideRead and reflect on Hebrews 1:1-2, Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119:105, Hebrews…
Abraham’s radical call to embrace God’s vision (Geoff Snook)
Abraham’s journey begins with a radical call to leave everything familiar and trust in God’s vision. This week, we explored the courage and faith required to embrace God’s vision for our lives. This series will help us see Abraham not just as a figure of great faith, but as a complex person who experienced highs and lows. We’ll find parts of our own story, and we’ll find confidence in God, through the journey of Abraham. Group Discussion Guide:Read and reflect…
Transformative prayer: “Here I am, send me.” (Geoff Snook)
Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…
Transformative prayer: “Thank you God, you’re amazing!” (Geoff Snook)
Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…
Seek silence & solitude (Geoff Snook)
In today’s fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with noise and distractions. This volume not only surrounds us but invades our minds, making it difficult to hear the gentle whisper of God. The practice of silence and solitude invites us to step away from the noise, to be still and know that he is God. On July 7 & 14 we are exploring the spiritual discipline of silence and solitude, learning to create intentional spaces for quiet closeness with God.…