Sermons by Geoff Snook (Page 3)

Vision Sunday 2024 (Geoff Snook)

Our faith isn’t perfect. We haven’t achieved everything. We are still a work in progress. Rather than resting on the past or holding on to what we have, let’s put everything on the line again for Jesus. Brothers and sisters, as I said, I know I have not arrived; but there’s one thing I am doing: I’m leaving my old life behind, putting everything on the line for this mission.Philippians 3:13 (The Voice) Our mission statement is still: Love people…

Anchored Faith (Geoff Snook)

In the midst of life’s storms, we invite you to anchor your faith in Jesus during this series. Our four regular preachers will take a turn sharing their personal stories and the biblical anchors that keep them committed to Jesus. “Why am I still here? Why am I still a Christian? Why am I still serving the church?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions you’ll appreciate this series.

Preparing the way (Geoff Snook)

As we kick off the Advent series, we’ll explore the role of John the Baptist in preparing the way for Jesus. Just as John paved the path for Christ’s arrival, we’ll explore how we can prepare our hearts to receive the King. What does it mean for us to be modern-day John the Baptists, clearing away distractions and making room for the presence of Jesus in our lives? Join us in December for a transformative journey through the Christmas story.…

Joy and contentment (Laura Snook)

Philippians 4. The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

Press on (Geoff Snook)

Philippians 3. The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

Have the attitude of Christ (Geoff Snook)

Philippians 2:1-11 The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

Keep away from idols (Geoff Snook)

Jump into one of Elijah’s most iconic moments as he confronts the prophets of Baal. Through this dramatic showdown we learn valuable lessons about the dangers of idolatry and the power of unwavering faith in God. Connect with us anytime at

One minute after you die – heaven or hell? (Geoff Snook)

What is hell like? Is it really all that bad? Is it real at all? Do all people go to heaven? How good do I have to be to make it to heaven? If the afterlife lasts for an eternity, won’t I get bored? Discover the truth behind common myths about heaven, hell and the afterlife, and why accepting salvation means more than just being saved from an eternity in hell. Discussion Guide Week 2 – Heaven or hell? What…

One minute after you die – is there life after death? (Geoff Snook)

Is there life after death? In the first part of this series, we’ll explore the three things that happen when our life on this earth is done. The third thing might be the toughest to grasp—we’ll all face judgment, but who does the judging, and what will we be judged on? Your afterlife is dependent on the life you live now. If you’d like to join the reading plan for the next 6 days, join us at Discussion Guide…

Every member, a minister (Geoff Snook)

From the earliest days the Restoration Movement saw equality and autonomy between Christians and between leadership roles. The ‘priesthood of all believers’ became a mark of Churches of Christ, in stark contrast to other movements that emphasised clear hierarchies with special roles and privileges. The independence of churches also became a distinguishing feature, in contrast to denominational control in other movements. Today we are still an autonomous church, but we value the mutual responsibilities we have with Churches of Christ…