Sermons by Geoff Snook (Page 3)

One minute after you die – heaven or hell? (Geoff Snook)

What is hell like? Is it really all that bad? Is it real at all? Do all people go to heaven? How good do I have to be to make it to heaven? If the afterlife lasts for an eternity, won’t I get bored? Discover the truth behind common myths about heaven, hell and the afterlife, and why accepting salvation means more than just being saved from an eternity in hell. Discussion Guide Week 2 – Heaven or hell? What…

One minute after you die – is there life after death? (Geoff Snook)

Is there life after death? In the first part of this series, we’ll explore the three things that happen when our life on this earth is done. The third thing might be the toughest to grasp—we’ll all face judgment, but who does the judging, and what will we be judged on? Your afterlife is dependent on the life you live now. If you’d like to join the reading plan for the next 6 days, join us at Discussion Guide…

Every member, a minister (Geoff Snook)

From the earliest days the Restoration Movement saw equality and autonomy between Christians and between leadership roles. The ‘priesthood of all believers’ became a mark of Churches of Christ, in stark contrast to other movements that emphasised clear hierarchies with special roles and privileges. The independence of churches also became a distinguishing feature, in contrast to denominational control in other movements. Today we are still an autonomous church, but we value the mutual responsibilities we have with Churches of Christ…

No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible (Geoff Snook)

As Churches of Christ sought to restore the church to its New Testament origins they removed many manmade barriers to faith. They had a serious devotion to the Bible and did their best to remove any emphasis on other books or on manmade creeds. Sometimes their devotion to the Bible was unhelpful and idolatrous, but we can recapture their devotion to the authority of scripture. Sometimes their rejection of creeds was throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but we…

Christians only, but not the only Christians (Geoff Snook)

The Restoration Movement: how history shapes our faith today In this series we’ll dive deep into the rich history of the Restoration Movement. Our church was planted from this movement 50 years ago, and its roots go back over 200 years and across the ocean. The founders of what we now call Churches of Christ had a deep conviction about restoring the church to its New Testament origins. As we journey from the past to the present, we’ll discover how…

The exponential provision that comes from generosity (Geoff Snook)

There is an exponential factor to whatever you offer God and offer to each other. 2 Corinthians 9:11, “You will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous.” You can’t control the outcome or what you receive, but this passage promises an exponential provision and supply when you live generously. No matter what you have entrusted to God and to each other, your trust is well placed. God’s economy, the exchange rate of the Kingdom of…

Jesus and the Sabbath

A Sabbath day of rest is a gift from God to humanity.Do you treat it like a blessing or a burden? Often we are so focused on honouring God by following rules that we miss God’s real, deeper purpose in giving the Sabbath. Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.” -Mark 2:27 The best way to honour God with the Sabbath is…

Jesus feeds 5000

When Jesus fed 5000+ people on the beach one day, he did more than provide food for them. He had compassion on them and gave them what they needed most. This same God will provide for your needs, too. Connect with us anytime at

Easter Sunday 2023

If all you knew was the 3pm Friday story, Christianity wouldn’t make any sense. A troublesome spiritual teacher is crucified, and then is declared to be God by the very empire that killed him?! The resurrection is why Easter is such a big deal. The end of the story makes the whole story worth telling. Connect with us any time at