Sermons by Kate Cathcart

Transformative prayer: “Would you, please?” (Kate Cathcart)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…

One community away… (Kate Cathcart)

You might be one community away from changing the course of your destiny. In our lives we don’t just need one on one friendships, but we also need healthy community. In our modern world relational poverty is an increasing problem. How can we fight the trend towards loneliness by weaving ourselves into healthy communities? God created us for relationships. The people we choose to surround ourselves with are incredibly important, but in 2024 the social fabric of our church is…

The humility Jesus taught and modelled (Kate Cathcart)

As we focus on relentlessly pursuing Jesus this year we want to immerse ourselves in his life, teaching and miracles. Reading through Matthew will help us prepare for Easter and how Jesus’ death and resurrection changes everything. Join us for this 6 week series on Sundays and read along with us each day as we immerse ourselves in the life, teaching, miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus. You can find the reading plan and more information here: Connect with…

Anchored Faith (Kate Cathcart)

In the midst of life’s storms, we invite you to anchor your faith in Jesus during this series. Our four regular preachers will take a turn sharing their personal stories and the biblical anchors that keep them committed to Jesus. “Why am I still here? Why am I still a Christian? Why am I still serving the church?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions you’ll appreciate this series.

Pass on your faith (Kate Cathcart)

As we reach the end of Elijah’s life, we see the passing of his prophetic responsibility to Elisha. This week highlights the mentoring and legacy of Elijah, showing us the importance of equipping each next generation for ministry. We’ll explore the power of investing in others and leaving a lasting impact for God’s Kingdom. Connect with us anytime at

Spiritual dehydration (Kate Cathcart)

Spiritual dehydration – know the signs & drink some water. As adults, it is easy to recognise the signs of dehydration – and to apply the cure – to drink some water – but children have to learn these things, and often be led to water – or put on a drip. Have we, as spiritually mature adults, learnt the signs of spiritual dehydration and do we know how to quench this thirst? Connect with us anytime at

Reawaken the wonder of your faith

In Mark 6:1-6 people were amazed at Jesus but also deeply offended at him. Have you lost your wonder in the familiarity of your faith? In the weeks after Easter we’re going back into the life of Jesus to learn from him. There is incredible truth, wisdom and transformation available in the words and actions of Jesus. Each week we’ll pick up a story from the Gospel of Mark and learn from a Jesus story. Connect with us any time…

Wake up! Jesus is coming.

What if Jesus was coming back today? What would you want to do differently if you knew he’d be here in just a few hours? In Romans 13 Paul encourages us to not live as if it was nighttime, as people of darkness. Instead he says we should live as people of the daytime, as people of light. What personal things would you add under each of these headings from Romans 13 & 14 about how to live in the…

This hope will not disappoint

Our hope in Christ’s salvation is dependent on his unfailing love for us. This foundation sets us free from sin and makes it possible for us to live for God and follow his way of living. You can join us next Sunday in person at 9.30am and 5.30pm. Or connect with us any time at