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Abraham’s radical call to embrace God’s vision (Geoff Snook)

Abraham’s journey begins with a radical call to leave everything familiar and trust in God’s vision. This week, we explored the courage and faith required to embrace God’s vision for our lives. This series will help us see Abraham not just as a figure of great faith, but as a complex person who experienced highs and lows. We’ll find parts of our own story, and we’ll find confidence in God, through the journey of Abraham. Group Discussion Guide:Read and reflect…

Transformative prayer: “Here I am, send me.” (Geoff Snook)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…

Transformative prayer: “Would you, please?” (Kate Cathcart)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…

Transformative prayer: “I’m sorry, forgive me.” (Laura Snook)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…

Transformative prayer: “Thank you God, you’re amazing!” (Geoff Snook)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…

Psalm 23 (Phil Bignill)

Phil & Julie Bignill were part of our church leadership for over 20 years! From my recollection it was 1995 when they moved to Cairns to pastor our church. And then in 2015 Phil moved into a regional role with Churches of Christ. Julie worked in the office for many years as well, and served the church in so many ways. Connect with us anytime at

Doubt (Brian Paris)

Doubt is not something to be afraid of in faith. Doubt is something that we should embrace. It is something should bring together into community. It’s something that is ok and acceptable in our faith life. You are radically accepted by God as you are right now. And as an extension of Heaven on earth, you’re radically accepted by this community. So if it’s hard to believe right now or you have questions we want you to connect deeper into…

Seek silence & solitude (Geoff Snook)

In today’s fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with noise and distractions. This volume not only surrounds us but invades our minds, making it difficult to hear the gentle whisper of God. The practice of silence and solitude invites us to step away from the noise, to be still and know that he is God. On July 7 & 14 we are exploring the spiritual discipline of silence and solitude, learning to create intentional spaces for quiet closeness with God.…

Silence & solitude: Turn it down (Laura Snook)

In a world overwhelmed by noise and distractions, it’s easy to feel disconnected from God’s voice. This week, we’ll explore how the constant clamour in our lives can drown out his gentle whisper. By looking at the story of Elijah and the practices of Jesus, we’ll learn practical steps to reduce the noise and create space for God. Join us as we discover how turning down the noise can deepen our relationship with God and allow us to hear his…

Friendship with Jesus (Geoff Snook)

God created us for relationships. The people we choose to surround ourselves with are incredibly important, but in 2024 the social fabric of our church is thinner than ever. Many of us are isolated, lonely and disconnected, but we may not even be aware of how negatively this is affecting us. In this series we’ll learn about how good friends (and bad friends) can impact our lives, our relationship with God and our future. We want to fight the trend…