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Child Abuse Q & A

This is the midweek question & answer podcast promised during Sunday’s message. On Sunday we talked about child abuse and about the safety and protection of children in our church and in our homes. This podcast is part of a series called UNCENSORED: Conversations the church needs to have.These are conversations the global church, the Australian church and our church need to have. In the Q & A I mentioned the following links: The full message on Child Abuse. A…

Child Abuse

Children are precious, and deserve to be loved and protected. Unfortunately, that’s not always how children are treated. It has been huge news in the last several years about abuse of children and young people. And some of the horrific stories have come from the church. In this message we talk about that. We raise the level of conversation about child abuse, and about the safety and protection of children in our church and in our homes.  This message is…

Scott Darlow – FLUTE

Scott Darlow was our guest speaker this Sunday. He spoke about Australian history, the impact on indigenous Australians, and what each of us can do as followers of Jesus. Scott finished with this acronym, which he challenged us to practice over the next few weeks: Forgiveness Love Understanding Tolerance Empathy For more information on the things Scott spoke about and what you can do, visit Australians Together and World Vision.

Imagine Heaven – Rewards that Last

Imagine Heaven – Rewards that Last “What’s the purpose of this life?” That is one of the most universal questions in our shared human experience. As it turns out, what we do on Earth has eternal implications! But how? Here are the video links for this week: The first set of interviews about the Life Review: The second set of interviews about the City of God: A bonus live interview with Dr Tracy Goza about a psychotherapists’s validation…

Imagine Heaven – What about Hell?

Imagine Heaven – What about Hell? Although most reports of near death experiences are overwhelmingly positive, there are some who describe what appears to be a hellish afterlife. God, however, doesn’t want us to fear death or condemnation. Maybe pain and suffering are simply a warning and a chance to choose him! But even in the presence of God, would everyone choose him? We are not temporary creatures given an eternal consequence. We are eternal creatures given temporary chance after…

Imagine Heaven – The Highlight of Heaven

Imagine Heaven – The Highlight of Heaven A common, beautiful thread weaving many stories of near death experiences together is that of the overwhelming love they felt in the presence of Jesus, the being of light. This was in spite of the fact that he knew everything about them, good and bad. That kind of all-seeing, unconditional love is what we all crave deep within our hearts. Here are the video links from this week: The first snippet from Dr…

Imagine Heaven – The Beauty of Heaven

Imagine Heaven – The Beauty in Heaven Perhaps the most common theme from Near Death Experiences (NDEs) is experiencing a beauty that fills the soul and is hard to put into words. People who get a glimpse of the world to come encounter a majesty that is beyond their ability to fully comprehend, but that draws them in to desire more. It turns out that this heavenly world is the one that the Bible has been pointing to all along.…

Imagine Heaven – Relationships in Heaven

Imagine Heaven – Relationships in Heaven When I die, will I still be myself? Will I have a body or will I be some kind of angel or spirit? Will I see the people I know and love and will we recognise each other? These are some of the most fundamental questions of the heart and soul in each person, and the Bible has something to say about each of them! Here are the video links from this week of…

Imagine Heaven – Evidence for the Afterlife

Imagine Heaven – Evidence for the Afterlife Everybody wonders—is there a God? Is heaven real and if so, does heaven have a place for me? It’s a human question because there’s a human longing to know—what happens when I die? How you think about Heaven affects everything in your life. Here are the two videos from this week, including the full version of the interview with Dr. Mary Neal: (TV spot) and (Interview) You can find out more and…