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No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible (Geoff Snook)

As Churches of Christ sought to restore the church to its New Testament origins they removed many manmade barriers to faith. They had a serious devotion to the Bible and did their best to remove any emphasis on other books or on manmade creeds. Sometimes their devotion to the Bible was unhelpful and idolatrous, but we can recapture their devotion to the authority of scripture. Sometimes their rejection of creeds was throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but we…

The importance of practical care and communion (Laura Snook)

As Churches of Christ sought to restore the church to its New Testament origins, they focused on practices of practical care and communion. They found these things were central to the early church and they wanted to make them central to their faith too. In the history books of Churches of Christ in Australia we often find a church plant referred to as ‘they met for The Lord’s Supper’. And particularly in the early days in Queensland, practical care for…

Christians only, but not the only Christians (Geoff Snook)

The Restoration Movement: how history shapes our faith today In this series we’ll dive deep into the rich history of the Restoration Movement. Our church was planted from this movement 50 years ago, and its roots go back over 200 years and across the ocean. The founders of what we now call Churches of Christ had a deep conviction about restoring the church to its New Testament origins. As we journey from the past to the present, we’ll discover how…

Courageous Faith (Laura Snook)

God is not asking us to build a giant wall, like he led Nehemiah to. But he asking us to be his hands and his feet in our own lives. We are surrounded by family, friends and neighbours who need hope and need Jesus. We have a church community here and together we can do amazing things for God. God is calling us to have courageous faith even when we face opposition, to live out our call to share who…

Spiritual dehydration (Kate Cathcart)

Spiritual dehydration – know the signs & drink some water. As adults, it is easy to recognise the signs of dehydration – and to apply the cure – to drink some water – but children have to learn these things, and often be led to water – or put on a drip. Have we, as spiritually mature adults, learnt the signs of spiritual dehydration and do we know how to quench this thirst? Connect with us anytime at

Jesus and healing (Joan Koskela)

Joan Koskela from Living Wisdom Australia ( was our guest speaker today. She spoke from Mark 2:1-12 about when Jesus healed a paralysed man. Healing isn’t often simple or easy, we can bring our confusion and our questions to Jesus. Connect with us anytime at

The exponential provision that comes from generosity (Geoff Snook)

There is an exponential factor to whatever you offer God and offer to each other. 2 Corinthians 9:11, “You will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous.” You can’t control the outcome or what you receive, but this passage promises an exponential provision and supply when you live generously. No matter what you have entrusted to God and to each other, your trust is well placed. God’s economy, the exchange rate of the Kingdom of…

My Jesus Story (with Donna Savill)

Three times in John’s gospel we read about people being invited to ‘Come and see’ Jesus. “Come and see,” Jesus said. (1:39)“Come and see for yourself,” Philip replied. (1:46)“Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?” (4:29) We are invited to come to Jesus and experience him for ourselves. The best posture for us with Jesus is to:* Come surrendered* Come seeking* Come with a soft heart Connect with us…

Jesus and the Lost Coin

Jesus showed us how much God cares about each person. The ‘Ones’, rather than the crowds. We can follow Jesus and: Notice the Ones, Prioritise the Ones, Welcome the Ones, Celebrate the Ones. Connect with us anytime at