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If listening is more your thing, you’ll find recent messages on our podcast ‘The Lakes Church Cairns’.

The Good Samaritan (Laura Snook)

When we watch TV or scroll through social media it feels like everyone is chanting, “More! More! More!” More money, a bigger house, the trendiest clothes, the wildest adventures, etc. The message we get is that our happiness and security in life is grounded in what we can achieve, consume or own. This week we explored the parable of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’ teachings on using our gifts and serving others. We’ll look at why some ignore the man…

Generosity & Sacrifice (Geoff Snook)

When we watch TV or scroll through social media it feels like everyone is chanting, “More! More! More!” More money, a bigger house, the trendiest clothes, the wildest adventures, etc. The message we get is that our happiness and security in life is grounded in what we can achieve, consume or own. But this chase after more can pull us away from others, push us to focus too much on ourselves and make us believe that we are building our…

Walk a new path (Jireh Scheurwater)

In our final week we commit to walking anew in the way of Jesus. Psalm 51 illustrates that repentance isn’t supposed to be a circular process where we stay stuck, but it is designed to turn us around so that we can walk in a new direction. Through practical steps and accountability we can allow God to shape our hearts, minds and lives in a new way. Our series is called ‘Repentance + Renewal: re-align your heart with God’s heart.’…

Find hope in renewal (Brian Paris)

Through the parable of the lost son we see what is possible when we receive the love and grace of God. As we experience this for ourselves we’ll be refreshed and empowered to live out our faith with boldness and passion. Our series is called ‘Repentance + Renewal: re-align your heart with God’s heart.’ This season of the Transformation Trek is an invitation for deep and honest reflection. Throughout April we will explore the call of Jesus for a heart…

Turn around (Geoff Snook)

This week we confront the reality of sin in our lives and the necessity of turning away from it. The letter of 1 John helps us understand the power of God in our repentance. Through self-reflection, confession and forgiveness we’ll learn to let go of past mistakes and embrace the healing, restoration and freedom found in Christ. Our series is called ‘Repentance + Renewal: re-align your heart with God’s heart.’ You can find the practice guide for this series here:…

Admit your problem with sin (Geoff Snook)

In our first week of this new series we’ll dive into the story of Jonah which is full of both good and bad examples of repentance and renewal. We’ll explore the significance in our journey of faith and we’ll uncover the urgency of Jesus’ call for a heart-change that can lead to restoration. You can find the practice guide for this series here: ‘Repentance’ is a complex idea. It can make us think about angry and urgent calls to…

Easter Sunday 2024 (Laura Snook)

Join our Easter services as we remember Jesus’ death on the cross and celebrate his resurrection to new life. Connect with us anytime at

Good Friday 2024 (Geoff Snook)

Join our Easter services as we remember Jesus’ death on the cross and celebrate his resurrection to new life. Connect with us anytime at

Palm Sunday (Laura Snook)

As we focus on relentlessly pursuing Jesus this year we want to immerse ourselves in his life, teaching and miracles. Reading through Matthew will help us prepare for Easter and how Jesus’ death and resurrection changes everything. Join us for this 6 week series on Sundays and read along with us each day as we immerse ourselves in the life, teaching, miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus. You can find the reading plan and more information here: Connect with…

The humility Jesus taught and modelled (Kate Cathcart)

As we focus on relentlessly pursuing Jesus this year we want to immerse ourselves in his life, teaching and miracles. Reading through Matthew will help us prepare for Easter and how Jesus’ death and resurrection changes everything. Join us for this 6 week series on Sundays and read along with us each day as we immerse ourselves in the life, teaching, miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus. You can find the reading plan and more information here: Connect with…