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Seek silence & solitude (Geoff Snook)
In today’s fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with noise and distractions. This volume not only surrounds us but invades our minds, making it difficult to hear the gentle whisper of God. The practice of silence and solitude invites us to step away from the noise, to be still and know that he is God. On July 7 & 14 we are exploring the spiritual discipline of silence and solitude, learning to create intentional spaces for quiet closeness with God.…
Silence & solitude: Turn it down (Laura Snook)
In a world overwhelmed by noise and distractions, it’s easy to feel disconnected from God’s voice. This week, we’ll explore how the constant clamour in our lives can drown out his gentle whisper. By looking at the story of Elijah and the practices of Jesus, we’ll learn practical steps to reduce the noise and create space for God. Join us as we discover how turning down the noise can deepen our relationship with God and allow us to hear his…
Friendship with Jesus (Geoff Snook)
God created us for relationships. The people we choose to surround ourselves with are incredibly important, but in 2024 the social fabric of our church is thinner than ever. Many of us are isolated, lonely and disconnected, but we may not even be aware of how negatively this is affecting us. In this series we’ll learn about how good friends (and bad friends) can impact our lives, our relationship with God and our future. We want to fight the trend…
How to ‘unfriend’ wisely (Brian Paris)
It’s impossible to live the right life when you have the wrong friends. The Bible verse ‘bad company corrupts good character’ isn’t only for kids, it’s for all of us. While Jesus loved everyone unconditionally, he didn’t treat everyone equally. He prioritised his close friends, and he maintained boundaries with other people. How can we follow Jesus example and other wisdom from the Bible in friending and unfriending? God created us for relationships. The people we choose to surround ourselves…
One community away… (Kate Cathcart)
You might be one community away from changing the course of your destiny. In our lives we don’t just need one on one friendships, but we also need healthy community. In our modern world relational poverty is an increasing problem. How can we fight the trend towards loneliness by weaving ourselves into healthy communities? God created us for relationships. The people we choose to surround ourselves with are incredibly important, but in 2024 the social fabric of our church is…
One friend away… (Laura Snook)
You might be one friend away from changing the course of your destiny. From King David’s life we see an example of different types of friends we need in our lives. These friends can completely change our life and our faith. God created us for relationships. The people we choose to surround ourselves with are incredibly important, but in 2024 the social fabric of our church is thinner than ever. Many of us are isolated, lonely and disconnected, but we…
Make time for friendship (Geoff Snook)
God created us for relationships. The people we choose to surround ourselves with are incredibly important, but in 2024 the social fabric of our church is thinner than ever. Many of us are isolated, lonely and disconnected, but we may not even be aware of how negatively this is affecting us. In this series we’ll learn about how good friends (and bad friends) can impact our lives, our relationship with God and our future. We want to fight the trend…
Be the church (Phil Sproul)
The teaching of the New Testament compels us to not just go to a church, but to be the church. The Christian life isn’t purely an individual pursuit of Jesus, it’s also about playing our part in the body of Christ. In Hebrews 10:23-25 we are encouraged to value and invest in each other as Jesus’ followers. Group discussion guide1. Read together Hebrews 10:23-252. What do these passages teach us about the nature of the church?3. What do these passages…
Growing in generosity (Laura Snook)
When we watch TV or scroll through social media it feels like everyone is chanting, “More! More! More!” More money, a bigger house, the trendiest clothes, the wildest adventures, etc. The message we get is that our happiness and security in life is grounded in what we can achieve, consume or own. This month in the Transformation Trek we look at a practice from the life of Jesus that pushes against this message by declaring that it is better to…
The Good Samaritan (Laura Snook)
When we watch TV or scroll through social media it feels like everyone is chanting, “More! More! More!” More money, a bigger house, the trendiest clothes, the wildest adventures, etc. The message we get is that our happiness and security in life is grounded in what we can achieve, consume or own. This week we explored the parable of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’ teachings on using our gifts and serving others. We’ll look at why some ignore the man…