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If listening is more your thing, you’ll find recent messages on our podcast ‘The Lakes Church Cairns’.

Promises fulfilled (Laura Snook)

Today we had to cancel our church service because of flooding around Cairns. We recorded this message from home. This week we’ll dig into into the Old Testament prophecies that predicted the arrival of the Messiah. From the words of prophets to the expectations of an entire nation, we’ll unravel the threads of Messianic hope woven throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. We’ll discover how these ancient promises find their ultimate fulfilment in Jesus and how that can bring hope and purpose…

Preparing the way (Geoff Snook)

As we kick off the Advent series, we’ll explore the role of John the Baptist in preparing the way for Jesus. Just as John paved the path for Christ’s arrival, we’ll explore how we can prepare our hearts to receive the King. What does it mean for us to be modern-day John the Baptists, clearing away distractions and making room for the presence of Jesus in our lives? Join us in December for a transformative journey through the Christmas story.…

Joy and contentment (Laura Snook)

Philippians 4. The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

Press on (Geoff Snook)

Philippians 3. The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

Shine like bright lights (Laura Snook)

Philippians 2:12-30. The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

Have the attitude of Christ (Geoff Snook)

Philippians 2:1-11 The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

God will continue his work (Laura Snook)

Philippians 1:1-30. The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

Who I Am (Ben Pearson)

Ben Pearson was our guest speaker today, with a message on our identity from Ephesians 1 & 2. Ben is the Manager of the Church & Community Engagement Team of Churches of Christ in Queensland and lives in Townsville. Connect with us anytime at

Backpacks & Boulders (Paul Hicks)

Paul Hicks is the pastor at Mackay Church of Christ. He is married to Leanne, they have two adult children and they love fishing and boating. Paul brought a message to us from Galatians about supporting each other while keeping appropriate boundaries. Connect with us anytime at

Everyone in the image of God (Phil Sproul)

Phil Sproul shared a message about how everyone is made in the image of God. While we are often confused about the value of people who are different than us, we understand that everyone is loved by God and in need of his salvation. In heaven we will find people from every tribe, nation and language. These truths help us realise how we should live and how we should treat people each day. Connect with us anytime at