Mental Health Q & A
Why talk about mental health in this series? Not because it’s the same as child abuse or domestic violence, but because it has been censored in the church in a similar way. It hasn’t been OK to struggle with mental health and the conversation has often been censored. We need to raise the level of awareness and conversation about mental health because it is more prevalent than you might think. Click here to listen to the whole message on Mental…
Mental health
Why talk about mental health in this series? Not because it’s the same as child abuse or domestic violence, but because it has been censored in the church in a similar way. It hasn’t been OK to struggle with mental health and the conversation has often been censored. We need to raise the level of awareness and conversation about mental health because it is more prevalent than you might think. This message is part of a series called UNCENSORED: Conversations…
Domestic Violence Q & A
This podcast is part of a series called UNCENSORED: Conversations the church needs to have.These are conversations the global church, the Australian church and our church need to have. In the Q & A I mentioned the following links: The full message on Domestic Violence. The statistics quoted during the message are from White Ribbon Australia, SAFER and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The indications of domestic violence are taken from 1800 RESPECT. The articles by Dr Julia…
Domestic Violence
In the opening chapters of Genesis in the Bible we find a clear contrast: between God’s perfect intention for relationships, and our reality of relationships. Our relationships aren’t perfect. And sometimes, too often, at least one partner is manipulative, controlling or physically violent. Domestic and family violence is violence, abuse and intimidation between people in a current or recent relationship. It can happen in any kind of relationship — not just with husbands and wives or boyfriends and girlfriends. And domestic violence…
Child Abuse Q & A
This is the midweek question & answer podcast promised during Sunday’s message. On Sunday we talked about child abuse and about the safety and protection of children in our church and in our homes. This podcast is part of a series called UNCENSORED: Conversations the church needs to have.These are conversations the global church, the Australian church and our church need to have. In the Q & A I mentioned the following links: The full message on Child Abuse. A…
Child Abuse
Children are precious, and deserve to be loved and protected. Unfortunately, that’s not always how children are treated. It has been huge news in the last several years about abuse of children and young people. And some of the horrific stories have come from the church. In this message we talk about that. We raise the level of conversation about child abuse, and about the safety and protection of children in our church and in our homes. This message is…