News (Page 4)

NT90 : The New Testament in 90 Days

NT90: the New Testament in 90 days From January 16 we’re going to read the New Testament together…in 90 days. This might sound impossible, but all it takes is about 3 chapters a day. Depending on your reading speed this will only take you around 10-20 minutes each day. For those of you who don’t like reading, you can listen to the chapters each day on the Bible app. On day 66 of the NT90 plan (in mid-March) we’ll read…

My Favourite Psalm series

The Old Testament book of Psalms is full of joyful laughter, heavy-hearted weeping and awe-inspiring praise. No matter where you find yourself, the psalms apply to you. In many ways they give words to your experience and speak on your behalf. Ultimately, every psalm engages your heart and mind to find your trust in God alone. Join us over these three weeks as three different people share their favourite psalm. Sunday 26th December – 9.30am service only – Kate Cathcart…

Crazy Stupid Love series 2021

Crazy Stupid Love Our lives are full of relationships – best friends, spouses, exes, neighbours, co-workers – and those relationships can be complicated. Relationships are messy, and love can be hard. So how do we have good ones? And get over bad ones? During this series, we’ll talk about how to develop strong and thriving relationships in every area of your life. Crazy Stupid Love comes with a discussion guide for small groups to use each week. This series was…

Our vision

Vision series 2021 What is God’s vision for our church? After several months of exploring this question we are ready to move ahead with clarity and purpose. In this series we will unpack our vision: “to be a church that is devoted to lifelong growth, healthy relationships, warm hospitality, walking with the wounded and introducing people to Jesus.” In each message we’ll explore the biblical basis for this vision statement and we’ll invite you to consider what this means for…

Our 50th Anniversary!

The 50th Anniversary of The Lakes Church On November 3rd 2019 we celebrated 50 years of The Lakes Church. You can listen to the message of our celebration here. You can download a copy of our 50th anniversary booklet here During the service we showed a video of God’s faithfulness throughout our history, which you can watch here: If you would like to join us in giving a Thanksgiving Offering, you can do that here. This post was written by Geoff Snook

Uncensored: Conversations the church needs to have

Uncensored: Conversations the church needs to have These are conversations the global church, the Australian church and our church need to have. They are big, painful and deeply personal topics that often remain unspoken about. In this series we had conversations about Child Abuse, Domestic Violence and Mental Health. You can find the whole series, including midweek Q & A, here. CHILD ABUSE Children are precious, and deserve to be loved and protected.Unfortunately, that’s not always how children are treated.…