Vision series 2021
What is God’s vision for our church? After several months of exploring this question we are ready to move ahead with clarity and purpose. In this series we will unpack our vision: “to be a church that is devoted to lifelong growth, healthy relationships, warm hospitality, walking with the wounded and introducing people to Jesus.” In each message we’ll explore the biblical basis for this vision statement and we’ll invite you to consider what this means for you and for our church community as we pursue God’s future together.

August 8 – Lifelong Growth – Geoff
We are each committed to lifelong growth with Jesus, becoming more and more like him in every area of our lives. This ongoing discipleship is important in our everyday lives and when we gather as a church. It will be evident through increasing dependence on God, deepening confidence in him throughout life’s circumstances, growing knowledge of the Bible and serving sacrificially. We recognise that this is God’s work in us, and we are responsible to follow Jesus and respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
August 15 – Healthy Relationships – Laura
We pursue healthy relationships, taking seriously Jesus’ command to love each other in the same way that he loves us. We build trust with each other, being consistent in encouragement, accepting grace and offering forgiveness. We engage in positive conflict, not ignoring tough questions and not dividing over non-essential issues. We learn from and enrich each other, embracing our diversity across generations, cultures and backgrounds.
August 22 – Warm Hospitality – Laura
We provide warm hospitality, being generous in our welcome, offering family to outsiders and helping people to belong. We fight the trend towards loneliness by weaving people into healthy communities. We take time to listen, embracing both laughter and tears. We open our lives to each other, always making room at the table. We are overly generous, constantly looking for ways that we can give to bless others.
September 5 – Walking with the Wounded – Geoff
We walk with people who are carrying wounds, providing a safe community to find healing from the hurts of life. We acknowledge genuine pain in ourselves and others, and don’t shy away from the difficult aspects of life. We act where we can and we boldly ask God to do what only he can do. We work towards justice, challenging broken systems and bringing hope with our words and our actions. We partner with other churches, individuals and organisations to bring the light of Christ to the world around us.
September 12 – Introducing People to Jesus – Geoff
We introduce people to Jesus by being a church that welcomes those with no church background or who have become disconnected from church. We remove barriers and base our lives on the teaching of Jesus and the New Testament. We invite people to give our church community a try, confident that they can encounter Jesus with us. We are persistent and expectant in prayer for people who don’t know Jesus and give clear invitations for them to follow him.