News (Page 3)

One Minute After You Die series 2023

One minute after you die The questions you have about life after death — What is heaven like? How do I know I’ll be there? What if I’m not? — can leave you wondering, but they don’t mean you have to live in fear. We’ll explore what the New Testament has to say about heaven, hell and the afterlife. Discover why your ideas of life after death can change everything about your life today. We’re talking about what happens ‘One…

The Restoration Movement series

The Restoration Movement series How history shapes our faith today. In this series we’ll dive deep into the rich history of the Restoration Movement. Our church was planted from this movement 50 years ago, and its roots go back over 200 years and across the ocean. The founders of what we now call Churches of Christ had a deep conviction about restoring the church to its New Testament origins. As we journey from the past to the present, we’ll discover…

Exponential series

Exponential: God can do a lot with just a little When you make a choice, its effects ripple further than you can see. When you plant a seed and nourish it, it can grow beyond your wildest expectations. And when you add to the work God is doing, he can multiply it into something exponential. This two-week series explains that God has a different economy than we do, and that his ways are higher than ours. When we’re generous with…

Jesus Stories series

In the weeks after Easter we’re going back into the life of Jesus to learn from him. There is incredible truth, wisdom and transformation available in the words and actions of Jesus. Each week we’ll pick up a story from the Gospel of Mark and learn from a Jesus story. This series begins on Sunday 16th April 2023.

Romans series

Romans: a new freedom is here In the first century people were stuck. Stuck in situations they didn’t like. Stuck trying to live up to other people’s standards. Stuck trying to live up to God’s standards. Stuck in mistrust and hatred of people who were different. The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Romans and told them about God’s freedom. Freedom from sin! Freedom from self! Freedom from divisions! Freedom from a meaningless life! A new freedom is here…

Behind the music series

Each song we sing as a church has a foundation in the Bible. In this series we’ll dig deeper into the stories and passages that have shaped these song. This series will grow your understanding of the Bible and your desire to worship God through song. The series Behind the music is on each Sunday of January, 2023.

Enthusiasm series

For the last two years people have been locked-down and disrupted. But even before that, so many were over-loaded. Some of us had become disillusioned. Others were questioning their faith. And yet the cry within all of us is to re-connect with God – to know the power of his Spirit and the encouragement of his voice. Our word ‘enthusiasm’ comes from a Greek word that meant being inspired by a god. This series will kickstart the next season of…

‘When life gets tough’ series

When life gets tough Wisdom from the book of James Why is life so hard at the moment? Why can’t it be easier? In the New Testament book of James we find incredible wisdom about tackling difficult times in our lives. In this series we’ll look at James’ guide to life in areas like suffering, temptation, comparison, arguments and conflict. Each week you’ll find an honest look at life’s most painful moments along with some practical ways that our faith…

Putting your faith into action series

Having faith in Jesus naturally leads to a concern for others. Not just others in the church, but all people. The Apostle Paul wrote that we should have the same attitude that Jesus had – not just looking out for our own interests but taking an interest in others, too. This series will spark a desire within you to follow Jesus by putting your faith into action for the benefit of other people. We’ll share encouragement and practical suggestions in…

MESSIAH series 2022

Messiah Jesus, the Old Testament and the Early Church When Jesus came he wasn’t what most people were expecting. Even today Jesus isn’t the kind of Messiah that we might expect. He didn’t fight or win or become powerful, but instead died as a criminal. The apostles and teachers in the early church looked back at the Old Testament and were able to better understand Jesus as God’s promised Messiah. In this series we’ll explore Jesus through the lens of…