For the last two years people have been locked-down and disrupted. But even before that, so many were over-loaded. Some of us had become disillusioned. Others were questioning their faith. And yet the cry within all of us is to re-connect with God – to know the power of his Spirit and the encouragement of his voice.
Our word ‘enthusiasm’ comes from a Greek word that meant being inspired by a god. This series will kickstart the next season of your life with enthusiasm from the one true God.
Each Sunday from the 23rd October to the 4th of December 2022
Throughout this series our small groups will be discussing the passages and topics each week. You can find the discussion guide here. Please get in touch with us if you’d like to join a group for this series.
We’ll also be sending weekly devotional emails that track along with the series. Let us know if you don’t already receive emails from our church and we’ll add you to the list.