Sermons from August 2024

Transformative prayer: “Here I am, send me.” (Geoff Snook)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…

Transformative prayer: “Would you, please?” (Kate Cathcart)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…

Transformative prayer: “I’m sorry, forgive me.” (Laura Snook)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…

Transformative prayer: “Thank you God, you’re amazing!” (Geoff Snook)

Talking to God is a simple practice that can feel difficult and complicated. Many people see prayer as a “Break in Case of Emergency” box – they only pray in those moments when nothing else is working. Others see it as a shopping list for life, only talking with God when they need something. For others it is a therapeutic habit, processing their life with an external Presence. These are just a few of the many ways people see prayer.…