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Each week our 9.30am service is livestreamed on YouTube. Go to our YouTube channel at 9.30am on Sunday to watch live. You can also go back and watch recent services and messages anytime on our channel.

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If listening is more your thing, you’ll find recent messages on our podcast ‘The Lakes Church Cairns’.

Temptation (Laura Snook)

Temptation isn’t just about being tempted to do the wrong thing. Sometimes it’s about being tempted to do a normal thing in the wrong way. And temptation isn’t always about being tempted to sin. Sometimes it’s about testing or proving something as valid. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness the devil was trying to get him to do good, or normal, things but in a sinful way. Instead, Jesus stood up against the temptation and was proved worthy and…

Creating a Rule of Life (Geoff Snook)

Rule of Life The tool we are practicing as we explore abiding with Jesus is called a Rule of Life. It’s a guide consisting of boundaries, habits and rhythms. We commit to and explore these to flourish in our discipleship to Jesus. You can find the full guide for creating your own Rule of Life here: A Rule of Life is like a trellis in a vineyard – it provides a helpful structure for the vines to grow up.…

An invitation to abide (Laura Snook)

The world screams for our attention, time, and energy. Tech notifies us, beeps at us, even tells us it misses us. Advertising wants to make us feel guilty, not enough, not complete, and the media runs on fear and anxiety. The world wants to form us into what it wants us to be. They have a plan for our discipleship. They are intentional and very good at it. It is not a question of whether we are disciples. The answer…

Vision Sunday 2024 (Geoff Snook)

Our faith isn’t perfect. We haven’t achieved everything. We are still a work in progress. Rather than resting on the past or holding on to what we have, let’s put everything on the line again for Jesus. Brothers and sisters, as I said, I know I have not arrived; but there’s one thing I am doing: I’m leaving my old life behind, putting everything on the line for this mission.Philippians 3:13 (The Voice) Our mission statement is still: Love people…

Anchored Faith (Brian Paris)

In the midst of life’s storms, we invite you to anchor your faith in Jesus during this series. This week Brian Paris shared some of his personal stories and the biblical anchors that keep him committed to Jesus. Connect with us anytime at

Anchored Faith (Laura Snook)

In the midst of life’s storms, we invite you to anchor your faith in Jesus during this series. Our four regular preachers will take a turn sharing their personal stories and the biblical anchors that keep them committed to Jesus. “Why am I still here? Why am I still a Christian? Why am I still serving the church?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions you’ll appreciate this series.

Anchored Faith (Geoff Snook)

In the midst of life’s storms, we invite you to anchor your faith in Jesus during this series. Our four regular preachers will take a turn sharing their personal stories and the biblical anchors that keep them committed to Jesus. “Why am I still here? Why am I still a Christian? Why am I still serving the church?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions you’ll appreciate this series.

Anchored Faith (Kate Cathcart)

In the midst of life’s storms, we invite you to anchor your faith in Jesus during this series. Our four regular preachers will take a turn sharing their personal stories and the biblical anchors that keep them committed to Jesus. “Why am I still here? Why am I still a Christian? Why am I still serving the church?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions you’ll appreciate this series.

Anchored Faith (Jireh Scheurwater)

In the midst of life’s storms, we invite you to anchor your faith in Jesus during this series. Our four regular preachers will take a turn sharing their personal stories and the biblical anchors that keep them committed to Jesus. “Why am I still here? Why am I still a Christian? Why am I still serving the church?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions you’ll appreciate this series.