Sermons by Laura Snook (Page 2)

The Good Samaritan (Laura Snook)

When we watch TV or scroll through social media it feels like everyone is chanting, “More! More! More!” More money, a bigger house, the trendiest clothes, the wildest adventures, etc. The message we get is that our happiness and security in life is grounded in what we can achieve, consume or own. This week we explored the parable of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’ teachings on using our gifts and serving others. We’ll look at why some ignore the man…

Easter Sunday 2024 (Laura Snook)

Join our Easter services as we remember Jesus’ death on the cross and celebrate his resurrection to new life. Connect with us anytime at

Good Friday 2024 (Geoff Snook)

Join our Easter services as we remember Jesus’ death on the cross and celebrate his resurrection to new life. Connect with us anytime at

Palm Sunday (Laura Snook)

As we focus on relentlessly pursuing Jesus this year we want to immerse ourselves in his life, teaching and miracles. Reading through Matthew will help us prepare for Easter and how Jesus’ death and resurrection changes everything. Join us for this 6 week series on Sundays and read along with us each day as we immerse ourselves in the life, teaching, miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus. You can find the reading plan and more information here: Connect with…

An invitation to abide (Laura Snook)

The world screams for our attention, time, and energy. Tech notifies us, beeps at us, even tells us it misses us. Advertising wants to make us feel guilty, not enough, not complete, and the media runs on fear and anxiety. The world wants to form us into what it wants us to be. They have a plan for our discipleship. They are intentional and very good at it. It is not a question of whether we are disciples. The answer…

Anchored Faith (Laura Snook)

In the midst of life’s storms, we invite you to anchor your faith in Jesus during this series. Our four regular preachers will take a turn sharing their personal stories and the biblical anchors that keep them committed to Jesus. “Why am I still here? Why am I still a Christian? Why am I still serving the church?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions you’ll appreciate this series.

Promises fulfilled (Laura Snook)

Today we had to cancel our church service because of flooding around Cairns. We recorded this message from home. This week we’ll dig into into the Old Testament prophecies that predicted the arrival of the Messiah. From the words of prophets to the expectations of an entire nation, we’ll unravel the threads of Messianic hope woven throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. We’ll discover how these ancient promises find their ultimate fulfilment in Jesus and how that can bring hope and purpose…

Shine like bright lights (Laura Snook)

Philippians 2:12-30. The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

God will continue his work (Laura Snook)

Philippians 1:1-30. The Apostle Paul writes his letter to the Philippians from prison. And even thought there is a lot he could complain about, his life and letter are full of joy. Philippians is the most encouraging and joyful letter in the whole Bible. Paul ’s struggles have become his greatest teachers. He has learned to depend on the one who gives him strength. He has learned to have joy and contentment, no matter what he is facing. And, most…

Depend on God in impossible situations (Laura Snook)

Follow Elijah’s story as he meets a struggling widow and witnesses God’s miraculous provision. We’ll explore the power of depending on God’s faithfulness and being obedient to his voice, even when faced with an impossible situation. 1 Kings 17:8-16 Connect with us anytime at