Christians only, but not the only Christians (Geoff Snook)

Christians only, but not the only Christians (Geoff Snook)

The Restoration Movement: how history shapes our faith today

In this series we’ll dive deep into the rich history of the Restoration Movement. Our church was planted from this movement 50 years ago, and its roots go back over 200 years and across the ocean. The founders of what we now call Churches of Christ had a deep conviction about restoring the church to its New Testament origins. As we journey from the past to the present, we’ll discover how these ancient truths continue to shape our faith and our church today.

The church in the western world was hopelessly divided around the turn of the 18th century. Thomas Campbell moved from Ireland to America and found the same divisions there. He was convicted about the unity of Christians and began what became the ‘Restoration Movement’ and eventually Churches of Christ. Campbell’s ‘Declaration and Address’ stated that “the Church of Christ upon earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one.” Churches of Christ began as a unity movement, giving full recognition and validity to the personal faith of Christ followers, in whatever movement or church they may be found.

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