Courageous Faith (Laura Snook)

Courageous Faith (Laura Snook)

God is not asking us to build a giant wall, like he led Nehemiah to. But he asking us to be his hands and his feet in our own lives. We are surrounded by family, friends and neighbours who need hope and need Jesus. We have a church community here and together we can do amazing things for God.

God is calling us to have courageous faith even when we face opposition, to live out our call to share who Jesus is with those around us and to be his hands and his feet. God is with us and we can trust him.

The vision that God has called us to as a church is more applicable and more real than ever. And it’s not just a statement it’s a call to action:

To love people and invite them to join us in a growing relationship with Jesus.

To be a church that is devoted to lifelong growth, healthy relationships, warm hospitality, walking with the wounded and introducing people to Jesus.

What does it look like for you to have courageous faith where you live and where you work and where you go to school? For the month of July we are committing to praying for the people we live, work and study alongside. And not just to hide and pray, but to walk and pray. Walk around the streets where you live and pray for the people there. Pray and as you walk around your workplace. Ask Jesus to give you eyes to see people. Pray that the people where God has placed you will come to see Jesus.

Where will you prayer walk this month?

If you are part of our church community, join us in our private Facebook group to share your stories and celebrate other people’s stories of courageous faith:

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