


What is baptism?

Being baptised is a simple thing that represents an important step in your faith in Jesus. It symbolises your old life dying (going under the water) and your new life beginning (coming out of the water). This identifies you with Jesus dying and being raised again to new life (Romans 6:4).

When should I be baptised?

Jesus told his disciples to baptise anyone who decided to follow him (Matthew 28:19). We can baptise you when you have made this decision, no matter how old you are. Children, teenagers and adults are all able to decide to accept Jesus.

You don’t need to feel ‘good enough’ or have your life sorted first. If you’ve decided to follow Jesus, you’re ready to be baptised!

If you’d like to take more time to consider baptism, this booklet will help.

How do I get baptised?

Simply tell us you’re interested! We’ll help you plan a date for your baptism. It can take place at the church or anywhere else there’s enough water like a creek or swimming pool. We also provide a number of opportunities throughout the year for people to be baptised  during our Sunday services.

We will talk with you before your baptism and ask you these two questions:

1.  Why are you being baptised today?

2. Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and have you accepted him as the Lord and Saviour of your life?

We will baptise you by putting you completely underwater and then bringing you back up again. Baptism can bring an incredible closeness with Jesus. It is also helpful to have someone you can talk and pray with in the weeks after your baptism, so that they can encourage you and your growing faith. If you don’t have someone in mind, ask us and we will find someone for you.

What about infant baptism/christening?

We don’t baptise babies, but instead can dedicate babies and their families to God. Child dedications can be done as part of our Sunday services or at other times. It’s an opportunity for parents to publicly commit to raising their child to follow Jesus, for those gathered to commit to support them in that endeavour and to pray for the child and parents. We can arrange a dedication for your child.

If your parents had you baptised as a baby you can respect their decision to raise you with faith. Then when you make your own decision to accept and follow Jesus later, you can decide if you would like to be baptised again by your own choice, or if you would like to affirm your earlier baptism before God.

When you are ready to be baptised or if you’d like to ask us a question, please contact us:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Do you have a specific question about baptism or anything else you'd like to ask or share with us?