The Bible is a diverse collection of writings, each with its own context, genre, and purpose. Understanding these elements is key to interpreting the Bible well. We’ll dive into different types of biblical literature—from wisdom poetry to apocalyptic visions—exploring how context and genre influence our understanding of the message. We’ll also talk about how our own perspectives shape the way we read the Bible and how we can approach it with greater clarity and depth.
You can get a copy of Brian’s slides here.
Discussion guide
Read and reflect on Proverbs 1:1-7 (Wisdom/Poetry), Isaiah 53 (Prophecy), Acts 2:1-21 (Historical), Ephesians 1 (Epistle), Revelation 1:1-20 (Apocalyptic)
1. What differences did you notice in the passages given this week?
2. Why do you think it’s important to understand the context in which the various parts of the Bible were written?
3. Our background, experience and tradition all work as a lens on how we read the Bible. What lenses are you aware of that affect the way you read and understand the Bible?
4. What are some ways you could better understand the author’s intent and the context of a particular passage in the Bible?
Personal challenge: As part of your Bible reading this week, try reading a commentary on a verse, or googling the context behind a verse.