Sermons from January 2025
Rogue One – Faith at the Movies (Geoff Snook)
Note: due to trouble with YouTube the audio from the video clips isn’t included in this livestream, however you’ll still be able to follow along with the message. Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy movies as demonstrations of God’s gifts, creativity and storytelling. Movies also have the power to shape our thoughts and our faith,…
The Greatest Showman – Faith at the Movies (Laura Snook)
Note: due to trouble with YouTube the audio from the video clips isn’t included in this podcast, however you’ll still be able to follow along with the message. Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy movies as demonstrations of God’s gifts, creativity and storytelling. Movies also have the power to shape our thoughts and our faith,…
Home Alone – Faith at the Movies (Brian Paris)
NOTE: we have had some trouble with YouTube not recognising that we have the appropriate licenses, authorisations and permissions to use the movie clips in this series. The video from this service is available again on YouTube, however you can watch the message with all of the clips here. Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy…
Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Faith at the Movies (Geoff Snook)
NOTE: most of the video clips we showed in this message have been removed for copyright reasons. You can watch them on YouTube here: Clip 1 (movie trailer): Clip 2 (The Cheese Touch): Clip 3 (Rowley confronts Greg): Clip 4 (ending): Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy movies as demonstrations of…
Inside Out 2 – Faith at the Movies (Laura Snook)
Faith at the Movies Movies capture our hearts. They can transport us into imaginary worlds, paint a picture of better lives and take us on rollercoasters of emotion. We can enjoy movies as demonstrations of God’s gifts, creativity and storytelling. Movies also have the power to shape our thoughts and our faith, which is why we should be intentional about what we watch and how we let it affect us. If we’re on the lookout, we can find godly and…