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If listening is more your thing, you’ll find recent messages on our podcast ‘The Lakes Church Cairns’.

Living Hope (Behind the music)

Each song we sing as a church has a foundation in the Bible. In this series we’ll dig deeper into the stories and passages that have shaped a particular song. This series will grow your understanding of the Bible and your desire to worship God through song. This week Jireh talked about the song ‘Living Hope” by Phil Wickham. You can listen to the song here: You can join us next Sunday in person at 9.30am and 5.30pm. Or…

Hymn of Heaven (Behind the music)

Each song we sing as a church has a foundation in the Bible. In this series we’ll dig deeper into the stories and passages that have shaped a particular song. This series will grow your understanding of the Bible and your desire to worship God through song. This week Laura talked about the song ‘Hymn of Heaven’ by Phil Wickham. You can listen to the song here: You can join us next Sunday in person at 9.30am and 5.30pm.…

This I Believe [The Creed] (Behind the music)

Each song we sing as a church has a foundation in the Bible. In this series we’ll dig deeper into the stories and passages that have shaped a particular song. This series will grow your understanding of the Bible and your desire to worship God through song. This week Geoff talked about the biblical, historical and recent origins of the song ‘This I Believe (The Creed)’ by Hillsong. You can listen to the song here: Here is the original…

What kind of church do you want to leave behind?

One day you and I will leave The Lakes Church. Even if we die as part of our church we’re going to hand it over to others one day. What kind of church do we want it to be then? Are you prepared to make The Lakes Church better today for others tomorrow? Now is the time to put your hand up to serve on a team specifically in our night service from May 15. You can join us…

How to stay united in a divided world

The last two years have accelerated divisions in our world. Tensions at family gatherings have become unbearable. Difficult topics have become unapproachable. Opinions have become more polarised. How can we stay united when everyone else is dividing? Is it even possible for Christians to disagree without dividing? You can join us in-person next Sunday and connect with us anytime at

What will happen at the end of the world?

What will happen at the end of the world? How can we make sense of the mysterious book of Revelation in the Bible? What about the rapture, the antichrist and the mark of the Beast? In this message Geoff dives into some of these intriguing and scary topics as we finish our series, Any Day, Any Hour: the when, why & how of Jesus’ return. You can join us in-person next Sunday and connect with us anytime at

Are we living in the End Times?

Are we living in the End Times? When did the End Times begin? What are the signs of the End Times that we should be looking for? In this message Geoff focuses on the words of Jesus about what to look for and how we should live in these End Times. This message was part of our series Any Day, Any Hour: the when, why & how of Jesus’ return. You can join us in-person next Sunday and connect with…

Is Jesus coming back?

Is Jesus ever coming back? He promised he would, but it’s been a really long time and it seems like the world is getting worse every day. We looked at the expectation of the early church, Jesus’ own words about his return and how he wants us to live in the meantime. Are you ready for Jesus’s return on any day, at any hour? This message was part of our series Any Day Any Hour: the when, why & how…

Q & A about hearing God’s voice

How can I tell the different between my thoughts and God’s voice? How do I know when God is really speaking, and when I’m just hearing what I want? These are some of the questions that Tania Harris responded to in this week’s Q & A about hearing God’s voice. Tania is a pastor, speaker, author and founder of God Conversations, a global ministry that equips people to recognise and respond to God’s voice. She has been a church planter,…

How can I hear God’s voice?

How can I hear God’s voice? Is this something I should expect? What does his voice sound like? These are some of the questions that Tania Harris explores in her message. Tania is a pastor, speaker, author and founder of God Conversations, a global ministry that equips people to recognise and respond to God’s voice.  She has been a church planter, pastor, Bible College lecturer and it is a privilege to have her share with us. Tania is a popular…