Posts from 2024 (Page 2)

Silence & Solitude series 2024

Silence and Solitude In today’s fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with noise and distractions. This volume not only surrounds us but invades our minds, making it difficult to hear the gentle whisper of God. The practice of silence and solitude invites us to step away from the noise, to be still and know that he is God. On July 7 & 14 we will explore the spiritual discipline of silence and solitude, learning to create intentional spaces for quiet…

Make time for friendship series 2024

Make time for friendship God created us for relationships.  The people we choose to surround ourselves with are incredibly important, but in 2024 the social fabric of our church is thinner than ever. Many of us are isolated, lonely and disconnected, but we may not even be aware of how negatively this is affecting us. Beginning on 2nd June 2024 we’ll learn about how good friends (and bad friends) can impact our lives, our relationship with God and our future.…

Generosity & Sacrifice series 2024

When we watch TV or scroll through social media it feels like everyone is chanting, “More! More! More!” More money, a bigger house, the trendiest clothes, the wildest adventures, etc. The message we get is that our happiness and security in life is grounded in what we can achieve, consume or own. But this chase after more can pull us away from others, push us to focus too much on ourselves and make us believe that we are building our…

Repentance & Renewal series 2024

Repentance & Renewal Re-align your heart with God’s heart ‘Repentance’ is a complex idea. It can make us think about angry and urgent calls to turn our life around or risk fiery consequences. Or it can make us think about quick apologies after childish mistakes. True repentance is so much more than this. It is about heartfelt regret for straying from God’s path, accepting his forgiveness and being marked by a transformation of our heart, mind and life. This season…

Easter services 2024

Easter church services in Cairns in 2024 Come and join our Easter services as we remember Jesus’ death on the cross and celebrate his resurrection to new life. We’re looking forward to welcoming you on the Easter weekend! Good Friday – 9.30am – 29th March 2024 Our Good Friday service is at 9.30am. We will have music, share in communion, hear a message about the life-changing impact of Jesus’ death and resurrection and we’ll enjoy some refreshments together after the service.…

Jesus is King (The Gospel of Matthew) series 2024

Jesus is King (the Gospel of Matthew) As we focus on relentlessly pursuing Jesus this year we want to immerse ourselves in his life,  teaching and miracles. Reading through Matthew’s will help us prepare for Easter and how Jesus’ death and resurrection changes everything. Matthew was one of Jesus’ followers. He heard and saw Jesus’ public ministry and wrote it down for our benefit. Matthew was a Jew, writing for the Jews, about the Jewish Jesus and he emphasises that…

Create a Rule of Life

Rule of Life You can find a PDF of this resource here, and a Word document here. The tool we are practicing as we explore abiding with Jesus is called a Rule of Life. It’s a guide consisting of boundaries, habits and rhythms. We commit to and explore these to flourish in our discipleship to Jesus. The Rule of Life and abiding is the first step in the Transformation Trek. A Rule of Life is like a trellis in a…

Our focus in 2024

Our faith isn’t perfect. We haven’t achieved everything. We are still a work in progress. Rather than resting on the past or holding on to what we have, let’s put everything on the line again for Jesus. Brothers and sisters, as I said, I know I have not arrived; but there’s one thing I am doing: I’m leaving my old life behind, putting everything on the line for this mission.Philippians 3:13 (The Voice) Our mission statement is still: Love people…

Transformation Trek series 2024

The Transformation Trek: relentlessly pursue Jesus Are you ready to join us on an exciting journey of discovery and growth in your faith? The Transformation Trek is a series of practices and rhythms of life that will help you explore, grow, and connect with others on this journey with Jesus. We’ll be looking at Jesus’ character and teachings, aiming for alignment of heart, mind and action with his life. Through Jesus and the sacrifice he made on the cross we…
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