Sermons by Laura Snook (Page 2)

Revival at Cane Ridge and the Last Will and Testament (Laura Snook)

Two of the more bizarre stories from the early days of Churches of Christ are connected to one of the founders, Barton Stone. Stone was a young Presbyterian minister who left behind the divisions of denominations to help launch the Restoration Movement. A significant turning point was his role in the Cane Ridge Revival in Kentucky in 1801. Tens of thousands of people came from far and wide, cutting across socio-economic and racial boundaries to experience an outpouring of the…

The importance of practical care and communion (Laura Snook)

As Churches of Christ sought to restore the church to its New Testament origins, they focused on practices of practical care and communion. They found these things were central to the early church and they wanted to make them central to their faith too. In the history books of Churches of Christ in Australia we often find a church plant referred to as ‘they met for The Lord’s Supper’. And particularly in the early days in Queensland, practical care for…

Courageous Faith (Laura Snook)

God is not asking us to build a giant wall, like he led Nehemiah to. But he asking us to be his hands and his feet in our own lives. We are surrounded by family, friends and neighbours who need hope and need Jesus. We have a church community here and together we can do amazing things for God. God is calling us to have courageous faith even when we face opposition, to live out our call to share who…

Jesus vs religion

In Mark 7 Jesus challenged the Pharisees about their empty rituals and pointless religion. We can do all the right things and say all the right things, and those things are good. But Jesus is asking us to check our motives. Often we go through the motions of faith, but our hearts aren’t in it. It ends up being lip service only. We can’t just do things to earn browny points with God because that’s not what faith is about.…

Now there is no condemnation for sin

We still experience the effects of sin and we still struggle with sin. But now because of Jesus we have freedom to live a life controlled by the Spirit rather than being controlled by our sinful nature. And no matter what happens, if we are connected to Christ then nothing can ever separate us from him and his love. You can join us next Sunday in person at 9.30am and 5.30pm. Or connect with us any time at

Freedom to stop judging people

There is no shame in following Jesus because he will never let you down. Accepting God’s grace is for everyone. I need him as much as you do. The point of Paul pointing out God’s judgement about sin is not to convict the obvious sinners, but to get us off our high horses of thinking we are better than others. In this series we invite you to take a ’S.O.A.P.’ journal and dig deeper into Romans during the week. SOAP…

Hymn of Heaven (Behind the music)

Each song we sing as a church has a foundation in the Bible. In this series we’ll dig deeper into the stories and passages that have shaped a particular song. This series will grow your understanding of the Bible and your desire to worship God through song. This week Laura talked about the song ‘Hymn of Heaven’ by Phil Wickham. You can listen to the song here: You can join us next Sunday in person at 9.30am and 5.30pm.…

Imagine Heaven – What about Hell?

Imagine Heaven – What about Hell? Although most reports of near death experiences are overwhelmingly positive, there are some who describe what appears to be a hellish afterlife. God, however, doesn’t want us to fear death or condemnation. Maybe pain and suffering are simply a warning and a chance to choose him! But even in the presence of God, would everyone choose him? We are not temporary creatures given an eternal consequence. We are eternal creatures given temporary chance after…

Imagine Heaven – The Beauty of Heaven

Imagine Heaven – The Beauty in Heaven Perhaps the most common theme from Near Death Experiences (NDEs) is experiencing a beauty that fills the soul and is hard to put into words. People who get a glimpse of the world to come encounter a majesty that is beyond their ability to fully comprehend, but that draws them in to desire more. It turns out that this heavenly world is the one that the Bible has been pointing to all along.…
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